media sport > equestrian sport

Article in the PferdeWoche: Dressurhöhepunkt in Aachen

Max E. Ammann writes a personal column for the Swiss weekly magazine PferdeWoche on the actualities in the national and international equestrian sport.

His 109th column with the title "Dressurhöhepunkt in Aachen" was published in the edition 31 on 06.08.2014.

Einen Höhepunkt beim diesjährigen CHIO Aachen erlebte man im Dressurviereck. Es kam dort zum seltenen Gipfeltreffen von fünf Dressurgrössen.

The editor in chief Georges Zehnder and his team publishes the magazine PferdeWoche every Wednesday.

Column in the Pferdewoche (in German only - pdf)
> (in German only)
