services > communication/pr > ewb

Article in the magazine Energeai > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Auf Kurs Atomausstieg

media economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Film location for Kulturplatz

project economy > energy

Article in the customer magazine Direkt > Besucherzentrum ewb - eine Ausstellung zum Anfassen und Ausprobieren

media economy > energy

Article in the customer magazine Direkt > Eröffnungsfest der Energiezentrale Forsthaus

media economy > energy

Media release ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Bernese population storms the Energiezentrale

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Opening ceremony

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Official opening aperitif

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: VIP-Opening

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Media tour

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Art on the building

project economy > energy

Media release ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Milestone on the way to phase out nuclear power

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Communication and PR

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Guided tours

project economy > energy

ewb > communication and pr

project economy > energy

Article in the customer magazine Direkt > Kehrichtverwertungsanlage Warmbächli - Ein Abschied und ein Neuanfang

media economy > energy

ewb > KVA Warmbächli - A farewell and a new beginning

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: First fire

project economy > energy

Media release ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: The heart starts to beat

project economy > energy

Article in the customer magazine Direkt > Erstes Feuer in der Energiezentrale Forsthaus

media economy > energy

Article in the customer magazine Direkt > Ein Pionierwerk benötigt Mut, an die Zukunft zu glauben

media economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Cleantec City 2012

project economy > energy

Article in the Berner Zeitung: Der Gigant beim Forsthaus steht schon bald unter Dampf

media economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Brochure - Mit modernster Technik bereit für morgen

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Communication and PR

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Guided tours

project economy > energy

ewb > communication and pr

project economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Site visit of the municipal council

project economy > energy

Article in the customer magazine Direkt > Baustellenführungen Energiezentrale Forsthaus - Das sehen Sie nie wieder

media economy > energy

Media release ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Trendsetting energy production

project economy > energy

Article in the customer magazine Direkt > Energiezentrale Forsthaus - Ein modernes Herz

media economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Guided tours

project economy > energy

Media release ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Guided tours

project economy > energy

Article in the customer magazine Direkt > Baufortschritt in der Energiezentrale Forsthaus - Wie ein Maulwurf

media economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Communication and PR

project economy > energy

ewb > communication and pr

project economy > energy

Article in the customer magazine Direkt > Der versteckte Riese

media economy > energy

ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: Communication and PR

project economy > energy

Media release ewb > Kehrichtverwertungsanlage Forsthaus (KVA)

project economy > energy

ewb > communication and pr

project economy > energy

Media release ewb > Energiezentrale Forsthaus: First stone laying

project economy > energy

ewb > communication and pr

project economy > energy

ewb > communication and pr

project economy > energy

ewb > communication and pr

project economy > energy

Energie Wasser Bern, an independent, public company of the city of Berne (SUI), is one of the five largest urban energy supply companies in Switzerland. Its customers include approximately 70'000 households, 8'000 small and medium sized enterprises and 100 large customers. The company provides the city of Berne and the surrounding communities with electricity, natural gas, biogas and water, recycles waste to energy, provides services in the field of electric and gas mobility and builds up a fiber optic network in the city of Berne.

Myriam Neuhaus was working for Energie Wasser Bern as Communication specialist. In this position, she was responsible for the implementation of various communication activities such as the organization of events (internal and external), writing and editing articles, creating communication concepts, evaluation and coordination of projects and was contact person for the media.

As from Octobre 2010 she was working as Head of Project Communication Energiezentrale Forsthaus and Besucherzentrum ewb. In this function she was responsible for the communication on the new production site Energiezentrale Forsthaus. In addition she was initiating and coordinating the project Besucherzentrum ewb, accompanied construction activity and established all operations concepts.

> 01.10.2010 - 31.12.2013: Head of Project Communication Energiezentrale Forsthaus and Besucherzentrum ewb (Myriam Neuhaus)
> 16.08.2007 - 30.09.2010: Communication specialist (Myriam Neuhaus)

> Energie Wasser Bern (ewb)


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